
Frank Wendland Post 253

History of Frank Wendland Post No. 253




During the later part of 1919, here and there throughout the town (for it was only a town then) could be seen little groups of ex-service men renewing old acquaintances and talking over their war experiences. To the old solider nothing is dearer than reminiscening. The unanimous opinion of all these chance gatherings was “let’s start a Legion Post.”


            And so, on February 10, 1920, about twenty-five ex-service men gathered in the High school auditorium, and, after stirring address by lieutenant-Colonel Augustus Gansser of Bay City , The Frank Wendland Post No. 253 was founded and named in honor of Frank Wendland, a life-long resident of Royal Oak and one of her first sons to answer the call of his country. Frank was well known to all Royal Oakers and was a true example of young American manhood. The task assigned him in the army was most hazardous-that of sharp-shooter- and in October, 1918 he answered the last roll call.